Nicole Hugo of Torc Pots, makers of handmade urns and outdoor furniture, is based in the Channel Islands where the family business has been located since it was first started by Hylton Hugo. Torc Pots produces a selection of the largest planters available around the world and the unique material used in their manufacture means they’re incredibly robust and intended to last a lifetime. Here Nicole gives a few insights into the business including the type of project the company gets involved in and the profile of client that orders from Torc Pots…
Hylton (above, left) first taught himself to make the urns when he was developing high end residential properties; he was looking for large quality planters to decorate the spaces and found it nigh on impossible – so he decided to make his own!”
Nicole Hugo, Torc Pots
We’ve exhibited at 100% Design, Chelsea Flower Show and Prolandscaper; Torc Pots has had significant press coverage through our work with the Chelsea Flower Show designers where we’ve been involved with many gardens in the Gold winning category. One year we won 5 gold stars for our own Torc Pots trade stand at the show…”
Nicole Hugo, Torc Pots
We frequently work with designers on multiple projects and we’re always working with new clients too. We mostly work from concept alongside the designers and architects, very often creating bespoke shapes for them. Richard Miers, Kate Gould, Mark Gregory, In-Lite, Randle Siddley, Joe Swift, Pollyanna Wilkinson, Joe Perkins, Andy Sturgeon and Erwin Stam are all customers – we literally have hundreds of clients worldwide. We ship internationally and we’re also planning to open a studio in the UK very soon…”
Nicole Hugo, Torc Pots
My favourite urn is the ‘Medea’ as the lines are simply timeless, however we designed an organic shaped ‘Asa’ for Pollyanna Wilkinson and that is also beautiful…”
Nicole Hugo, Torc Pots
We’ve worked on too many beach and poolside projects to mention, including many in Jersey, Ibiza, Majorca and the USA; our most challenging project to date was the RHS Garden at Chelsea for Joe Swift as we created the whole of the Bee’s Wing for his garden…”
Nicole Hugo, Torc Pots
A dream for us would be for Torc Pots to be involved in the regeneration of an inner city/public realm space – projects like these are always very rewarding…”
Nicole Hugo, Torc Pots